I think the main point of your article about indigeneity is laudable, the oil thing seems like a tangent. Israel has plentiful natural gas and tangentially has pioneered desalination. I've heard the wind farms are destroying views in the North. The bird body count of wind farms is despicable. Solar panels have a cook Factor also with birds and often rare plants are exterminated upon installation.

Yishai Fleischer talks of 60 ethnic minority enclaves worldwide that selfrule autonomously, didn't research yet.

Overthrowing the Obama doctrine two State solution being imposed is imperative and 5785 is destroying that paradigm, once it's announced by Israel that everything about Oslo was abrogated upon its signing by the Arabs after America guaranteeing things that didn't come that Israel just now defeated in Lebanon I ran and Gaza after America armed its enemies leads Israel to announce the been there done that new paradigm reality of defeating its enemies and no longer tolerating the intolerable.

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Thanks Alan. I do think the point about petrochemicals is crucial: Oil is the most power centralizing force in the world, and it's geopolitical impact has been just as difficult as its ecological one. That the majority of the worlds resources are in the Gulf and Russia (US a large player too, but mainly for itself), and that centralized distribution drives centralized manufacturing (in China) has had deep systems effects that bias geopolitics towards the interest of manufacturers. He who controls the tap controls the rap, as they say. And Israel, despite a bit of natural gas, has little tap compared to the overwhelming quantity under the sands of Arabia and Persia.

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