Important perspective, thanks for sharing!

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11Liked by Ariel Beery

This is a great article. It explains why anti-Zionism and the anti-Israel movement are ordinary anti-Semitism (sorry, not ordinary. This is neo-anti-Semitism).

Because everyone is ready to accept assimilated Jews, Jews without a country, Jews who agree with all laws, but are not ready to accept that Jews can have their own country, that they can live by their own laws.

Neo-anti-Semitism has built entire theories about “colonialism” and “oppression” on lies and hatred, but in essence it is the same thing, the old Dreyfus case.

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Jan 11Liked by Ariel Beery

Brilliant analysis- you are spot on.

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Jan 11Liked by Ariel Beery

I really enjoyed this read and it changed my perspective. Thank you. Perhaps Israel should aim to build a global dependency on parts of its economy, much like Taiwan and TSMC.

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